Friday, November 27, 2015

Week 10 - Manga and the Japanese Comics Tradition

Battle Angel Alita Volume One

A scifi manga. These are my favorite type of mangas as they always seem to bring up topics that make you think. In Battle Angel Alita it is no different. The first volume starts off with two scientists trying to bring back a person using an advanced form of technology and science. I find it interesting that at first they are disputing about whether to bring back this person or not. The friend of the scientist asks the scientist why would he bring someone back who is his enemy. This stood out to me because the scientist is not only acting as a god by bringing someone back but he is bringing someone back who has killed him before. I think that this says a lot about his character and what he believe it means to be someones enemy.

What sticks out to me about manga versus other types of comics is that it is usually very cinematic. They also tend to have very long stories that feel similar to the greek epics. The thing I love about them is that they feel like they have the scope of giant blockbuster narrative films yet they have the format of episodic television shows. Battle Angel Alita in particular starts off that way. We have this epic scene where we see the scientist bringing the girl back to life while at the same time there are these two kids walking across the desert trying not to get shot or blown up by land mines. At the end the scientist finishes making the girl and she wakes up. I believe this is to get you interesting and wanting to read the new volumes.

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