Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Week 15 - Revising Week 3 Blog Post

This is what I would add to what I wrote before. I really enjoyed reading Little Nemo.

This comic reminds me almost of the more successful vines where they are able to tell a story within a short amount of time (or in comics, a short amount of space on the page/panels/being limited to one full page). By reading Little Nemo I have gotten the impression that out of all the comics we have read this may be one of the most effective ones that uses the least amount of text in the shortest amount of pages. Usually Nemo has dream like adventures with quirky characters that will talk to him before he wakes up. These adventures range pretty widely, from running around a tree that ends up turning into a rhino to sledding down a hill discovering jack frost's palace.

The visuals in Little Nemo are very impressive to me. Specifically the way in which the backgrounds/landscape/buildings are drawn. Most of the detail seems to be put in the background which makes sense because it's a comic about a dreamworld. However there's so much detail put into the line work of everything around the characters it stands in a league of it's own. I believe that in class we talked about how he drew everything from memory too which is almost unbelievable because the architecture looks like it was taken from inspiration from life. This shows you how an artist can require to have multiple different skills in order to create their work. Going off of his buildings that was drawn for Little Nemo I'd say he's almost like a concept architect.

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